Monday, June 5, 2017

First Day In Dublin!

First of all let me say that Jet Lag is real! I'm almost in tears writing this because I'm so sleepy but this first day in Dublin has been nothing short of interesting.

Once we got off the plane, we got on a bus and headed to Dublin City University! DCU is a large and beautiful campus. after a failed attempt to find food, we headed downtown for our walking tour of Dublin.

It began to rain during the tour and with the weather at 51 degrees, toms were not the best option. The tour was very informational and gave me a good idea of my surroundings and places I should go to do research. And I also met people from all over such as Brazil, Asia and Germany.

After our tour we headed over to Madigan's for some famous fish & chips! yum! Just now returning to campus and I can fall asleep right now, excited to see what tomorrow holds but for now Goodnight!