Saturday, July 2, 2016

Day 10: Museum of Brands

The day has just ended and overall it just wasn't a great one. There just wasn't enough time to handle everything we had on our list of things to do. Today we decided that my partner would focus on her shops and interviews and that I would take the next day. After breakfast we headed out in the city to begin. Our first stop was a skate park but because it was so early in the morning no one was there. We still took pictures and decided we'd come back at another time. There happened to be another place of interest within the area so we pulled out our map, planned our route, and started walking. 

After about 20 minutes of walking and rerouting (due to streets being blocked off for construction) we made it to the establishment. Unfortunately, it was closed as well. Although the website stated certain hours of operation the door had something different printed. We then went in search for a Starbucks to use wifi to plan our next move. By the time we found a Starbucks we made the choice to head in the direction of our group presentation so we wouldnt be late.

We arrived early enough to grab some snacks while we waited for the group. Today was a tour of the house of Brands, which is a museum full of almost every brand that has come through this city. The museum was originally started in 1984 by Robert Opie who was a historian but Mr. Opie has been collecting items for over 50 years. Although Im not from this country, many of the brands and designs on the boxes and jars I remember seeing as a child growing up. There were magazines that dated back to the 1930s and 40s, as well as toys that were even older than that. I think its a great idea to document history this way. I enjoyed this visit.