These two bottles were actually placed in this cabinet at the same time about four years ago, at that time they were identical. Meaning both bottles contained the same color liquid inside, and as you can see the bottle to the right has dramatically faded over the years while the original has remained the same color all along.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Day 4: Counterfeit Museum
Today we visited Musée De La Contrefacon, which translates to the Counterfeit Museum here in Paris. This museum is a private museum generally used for educational purposes. Their goal is to educate and aware the public of the production, and sale of counterfeit goods. The ultimate goal is to essentially fight back against and end the production of counterfeit goods, in order to protect the value of the original products. It was very interesting to see so many examples of faux goods, some were very obvious to pick out while others fooled me despite the fact that they're in the case and even labeled faux. After the museum tour was over, we jumped back onto the metro and headed back tot he hostel. Dr. Lukosius actually showed us a different route back to the hostel, which was perfect because not only is it a short cut but we also passed a hotel chain which is great for my research topic. I stopped inside and spoke briefly to the manager who agreed to email me with the information I need, how wonderful! Shortly after we returned to the hostel to grab some lunch sit down and relax, after all today is the hottest day of the year! The high for today was 99 degrees fahrenheit, all of my extremities had sweat rolling off them by the time we got back to the hostel. Im patiently awaiting the sunset so that I can head back out, hopeful that it won't be miserably hot later on. Theres a spot by the river right beside the Eiffel Tower that is calling my name, and no Ive never been to the spot before but I will find the one, sit down and indulge in my happiness of being so close to the tower once again.