Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day 2

After getting 10 hours of sleep last night, this morning I woke up feeling great! We had orientation with everyone for about an hour, then met up with Dr. V to discuss what we should be doing on our research papers and split us up into pairs. So Donald and I went to the city and found my first store I wanted to interview. The guy was super nice and had also been named the godfather of Irish skating in an article, which I had read before meeting with him. He was surprised to see that I had done research on him and was very helpful with answering my questions. Next Donald and I interviewed a local barista at Starbucks. He was very friendly and liked that we would try to keep the conversation going, while trying to get to know him. He told us a couple things to do in Dublin like checking out Phoenix Park; enjoying the sun when it comes out, and watching one of the local bands called the cranberries. After that interview we walked around some and Donald tried to interview some stores but they told him no. Then we decided to go to the wax museum, where we learned a little about Ireland's history. We also go to see some famous Irish people as well as children characters in this museum. Then while Donald and I were eating we decided we wanted to go see Rihanna tonight, since she was performing in Dublin. We walked about 10 blocks to go see the stadium, thinking you could buy tickets there... we were wrong. They told us we had to go to ticket master which was a 20 minute we gave up. Overall today was a very good day and got to see a lot of Dublin.