Walking Around
Not much occurred today, other than the Brexit chaos (btw pretty cool I get to say I was in Dublin when the UK left EU). We received a tour of the Leinster House, the Irish Parliament, which was filled with a lot of history and beautiful architecture. Next on the tour we visited Dublin's Google Headquarters. Although we weren't allowed to see all the floors we were able to see a few. Also we were able to get the inside scoop on how to apply/be able to work at Google.
Along these many adventures in Dublin I've come to notice that there many brands for America change their name but essentially it's the same product. Like lays became walkers, almond joy became bounty, and milky ways are mars bars. Their whole marketing for the same product consist of simply a name a wrapper change. Also the rain here is cold, like really cold plus wind so for a future reference keep that in mind. Anyway I'm done rambling, it was overall a good day.