Day four was exhausting. I woke up and was so tired from the night before that I kept snoozing my alarm. This morning we had breakfast and then went to a lesson from a guest speaker who has done his fair share of marketing. We talked lots about Ireland culture and then about marketing your product and how to be successful with it. When the lecture was over we decided to go back and take a nap since we were all exhausted. The nap was what felt like the shortest nap ever and none of us were ready to go out and explore but we did. Once we got on the bus we headed to the city and had some lunch. We ate at this cute dinner that was 50's inspired but it smelled terrible and the food was way to expensive for what it ended up being worth. Then we headed to Henry Street. It was filled with lots of shops that we knew, but also some we didn't. We did some shopping but were so tired that we weren't really in the mood for it. After we decided to head home we stopped at a cute pizza shop and had dinner. This place had the best pizza, I mean it should have it was literally called La Pizza. After this we were all full and ready for bed, and we headed to the bus stop. Where we got on the right bus headed the wrong direction, for an hour. So once we realized we were going the wrong way we got off and waited for another bus, and rode it back to our stop for an hour. It was the longest bus rode of my life.
This is a picture of the largest department store I think I have ever been inside. It has about four floors with a billion things going on inside. We were much to tired to tackle this today.