Thursday, June 27, 2019

Goodbye Nashville, Hello Europe!!

From the moment I inquired about the TNCIS GEC II program, I was immediately excited. I started applying for scholarships and researching the countries before I was even accepted. Eventually, I put in my application and prepared my other documents and after that there was nothing else I could do but wait. As time went on, it seemed like forever before I finally received my acceptance email.

As the days leading up to the trip passed by, it seemed like time was dragging by but eventually it became time for me to travel back to Nashville. This will be my first international flight so I’m not too sure what to expect. I packed American snacks and brought a pillow and blanket for the pane just in case! Unfortunately I didn’t have a window seat on any of the flights so I wasn’t able to take any good pictures while we were in the air. The flight from Nashville to Chicago was short but the second flight is the one I was worried about.

Before this trip, I had never flown for more than a hour and I didn’t know what to expect but surprisingly the flight from Chicago to Helsinki, Finland was better than I expected. The downside to this flight is I was not able to sleep that well. A word of advice to any future TNCIS participants: try to get as much sleep the night before as possible. With this being an international flight, they did provide us with dinner and breakfast the morning after. It was...interesting to say the least. I’ll insert a picture below and let you guys form your own opinion about it lol.

Finally after flying to Finland, we took our final flight to Berlin!! I’m so excited about being here and seeing what the city has to offer.