Friday, August 3, 2012

June 10 Paris

Today we left Paris to make our way to Brussels Belgium. I got up relatively early went downstairs for a taste of breakfast and then made my way straight to the laundry mat to wash my clothes. Going to the laundry mat made me realize how universal most actions are. I say this because all the washing directions were in French however the use of pictures and the use of context made my washing experience simple and successful. In the meantime I finished packing up my things and made my way back up the treacherous stairwell with my luggage. When we split into groups for departure I left with the first group. Apparently after a week in Paris we were much more adapted to the traveling experience. Luckily no one was lost this time and we all made it to the train station successfully.  When we bored the train I assisted getting everyone’s luggage getting packed away and then made my way to my seat. I was exhausted and we were on the fastest train in Europe so the ride would be nearly enough to catch up on sleep.  The train didn’t seem to be going as fast as I expected but I realized its speed wasn’t a myth because by the time I laid my head down we were in Brussels.  Entering Brussels was definitely a surprise coming from Paris.  The city seemed a bit more Urban and a little run down.  Despite this I was still interested in the change of scenery.  The hill from the Metro station was a bit rigorous but nothing like Paris and the stairs from Hell. The first gift Belgium had to offer were larger rooms with limited yet available internet. I was already relieved by this.  Little did I know there were more surprises to come. We were introduced with the challenge of playing a game that sinfully resembled the amazing race.  I was up for the challenge so I gathered my group and we made our way out into the new city. We put our brains and our athleticisms together to try and find every listed structure as fast as we could. The game was time consuming yet the thrill of new discoveries and of course winning the prize made it exhilarating. Unfortunately another group beat us to the punch. After this loss we made our way back into the streets of Brussels to find something to eat. I had a delicious Belgium waffle and chocolate ice cream for a starter and then we made our way to a small Turkish restaurant that I can’t remember the name of.  The night end with a long needed hot shower and deep sleep. Welcome to Brussels.