Thursday, July 11, 2019

Counterfeit Museum

Yesterday started out pretty slow. I watched Netflix all morning until it was time to go. We went on a class trip with the Econ class to the Counterfeit museum. It took us forever to get there because the train we were supposed to take ended up being closed and Dr. V had to figure out an alternate route. The museum was pretty interesting, it featured all types of counterfeit product from purses and shoes to medicine and toys. It was interesting to see the lengths people will go to create counterfeit products. Some of the products were pretty convincing but there were also a few I could tell were fake as soon as I saw them. They also had a game where you had to try and distinguish the fake products from the real ones.

After we left the counterfeit museum, we went to look around the city. Sky and Taylor went to a spa so sky could try and interview them while Abby and I went to a sweet shop. I tried a macaron and spent 20 euros on Parisian chocolates. I didn’t like the macaron that much and I haven’t tried the chocolate, I want to take it home with me so hopefully it doesn’t melt. We went souvenir shopping after that and I was able to get everything else I needed. After we took our stuff back to the dorms, I went with Abby and some other people to a book shop and they wanted to go souvenir shopping so we went back the area we were in earlier. We decided to grab dinner at this little cafe and I had a chicken sandwich and fries, it was really good and I was glad to get some good food.