Sunday, July 7, 2019

Day 11

Our last day in Amsterdam was liiittttttt!! We woke up around 10am and went to the Moco Museum which was so nice. Banksy artwork was always amazing to me, i love the fact that we made his own lane of art and didn’t follow the rules. I’m really glad I got to see his work in person.

I happen to be on instagram and clicked on my favorite rapper Megan Thee Stallions live from the night before where she said she was going to be in Amsterdam tomorrow. I immediately jumped off Instagram on to Google looking for tickets and low and behold she’s preforming less than 1 mile away from our hostel (SHOOKETH!!) The club was so nice, they had lockers where you could store your things and air conditioning which is very rare in clubs in Nashville. They also played a lot of good American music. It was a really great performance we were so close to the stage, it was amazing. I’ve always wanted to see Meg in concert and the fact that we saw her overseas made the experience 100x better. Tomorrow we leave for Paris so I’ll just spend the day finishing work and packing my things.