Monday, July 1, 2019

Hello Amsterdam!

Today we traveled from Berlin to Amsterdam. We got up very early to go to the train station where we got breakfast. I tried to get a regular apple juice and it turned out to be carbonated, which was such a disappointment. But what was even more of a disappointment was when i tried to go to McDonald’s. They had nothing worth eating. After getting food, we got on the six hour train to Amsterdam. I slept the whole and had a seat to myself. 

Once arriving in Amsterdam, we took a tram to the hostel and got our rooms. I enjoy these rooms much more than the ones in Berlin. By the time we finished settling, it was time to go down dinner that the hostel provides. I can’t tell you exactly what it was, but it was surprisingly good! After dinner we had a brief orientation. Orientation ended and some friends and I decided to explore a little bit. The city is beautiful and I would love to come back here on my own free time. 

                                                                central station