Thursday, July 11, 2019

Finally in Paris!!!!!

We traveled to Paris on Monday and that was a very long trip. Unfortunately, I was placed in travel group one and I had to get up at 5:30 so we could leave the hostel at 6 am. We got to the train station a little early so we had time to grab breakfast, I kept it simple and got a chocolate muffin and some water from Starbucks. It was about a three hour train ride to Paris and I watched Netflix for a majority of the ride. Once we got there, we had to wait at the train station for group 2. While we there I ate some extremely overpriced five guys, I normally dont eat five guys at home because its expensive but I was so happy to be able to get a good burger I didn’t even care.

We took another train to get the dorms we would be staying in. I like the housing here much better than the last two cities because its only two of us in a room. At 6, we had a small orientation and then Dr. V took us to the grocery store down the street. We have kitchens here so we can cook meals instead of eating out everyday which is nice. After the trip to the store, a group of us went to dinner and then to the Eiffel Tower. I tried escargot(snails) and surprisingly they weren’t that bad. They tasted like garlic and basil, if I didn’t already know what it was I probably would have ate more. The Eiffel Tower was so beautiful! When we first got here, it didn’t really hit me that we were in Paris until I actually saw the tower.