Saturday, July 6, 2019

Day 5 Amsterdam

Yesterday we went to the Van Gogh museum very early in the morning. Before going, we had a brief talk about his life. I liked that the museum was in chronological order from the start of his career to the end and you could see his progression. In the beginning of his career, a lot of his works were in black and white and very dark. Then towards the end, he started to use more color and he got a better understanding of how to actually paint. The only downside was that is was very crowded and they didn't allow us to take any pictures.

After the museum we came back to do work, get ready for dinner, and the canal tour. I enjoyed the canal tour because we got to see a big part of Amsterdam. Also, our tour was really great and informative, I appreciated that. I got tons of pictures that will go good in my book.