Sunday, July 31, 2016

Day 18: July 28, 2016

Today was our last free day we would have in Europe and it was safe to say that we all had a lot to get done! But, we didn't want to go through the day without getting some enjoyment from it. It was clear that we didn't have as much time in Berlin as we did in Paris or Amsterdam. The days here were shorter and jam-packed full of activities. But the last thing I wanted to do was lose my spirit of adventure. So first stop, PrixMark!!!
We traveled today to Alexanderplatz where I had the encounter that could have properly summed up my time in Europe!! It was a store called PrixMark! Now, what makes PrixMark so great is the amazing prices and their wide selection!!! I mean, for me, it was heaven. I must admit, I probably spent ours in there, but it wasn't nearly enough time and I clearly didn't have the funds to buy EVERYTHING!!! I can honestly say that this had been my favorite day in Berlin because of this one store. Besides Disneyland, this had to be one of my biggest purchases and I got some amazing deals!! PrixMark is definitely one of my gems that I'll forever treasure in Europe!
Once I had my shopping fix, we were headed off to the East Gallery so we could see the famous parts of the Berlin Wall, where artist were called to graffiti the portions still standing. It was amazing to see a piece of history standing right in front of me. Being able to understand Germany and its history is going to take longer than a week, but from what I understand, this wall separated so many for so long. I felt overwhelmed with sadness because being in Europe, I felt separated, and I was, but at least I knew I was going home. In Germany when the wall went up, they didn't have the same pleasures. Truly, it was moving.

Next, we went to eat at a Korean Kitchen restaurant, which had bulgolgi
on the menu, and I was very excited about it. We make bulgulgi at home so I was expecting a slight reminder. It wasn't exactly what I expected but it was great to try something new.

Next, we ended up crossing the tracks to a place called Suicide Circus, a place known for its eclectic taste, graffiti, and cool parts of Berlin where the locals go. I can honestly say it was amazing, especially coming from an artists perspective. This was one of the greatest days in Berlin.