Monday, July 4, 2016

Day 13: London day 7

I was so excited when I woke up today because it was our free day and tonight was the night of the Beyoncé concert, but before going to the concert we went to the changing of the guards. A few of us got together and ate some breakfast and then left to go see the changing of guards at the Buckingham palace which started at 11:30. We had got there around 10 because we wanted to get good spots, which we did because we were right in front of the gate. The ceremony was such an amazing experience to see and I'm glad I got the chance to see it. After the ceremony we got some lunch and then headed back to the campus to get ready for the Beyoncé concert. There were five of us going to the concert and it started at 7, we were all very excited! After everyone was ready we rode the subway to the stadium and could already see people that were going to concert as well. When we arrived at the stadium we were surprised to see how good our seats were! We were all singing and dancing the whole night, having a blast! The concert was so amazing,  and seeing Beyoncé has been on my bucket list for a while now. Plus it's also pretty cool to say you went to a Beyoncé concert in London!