Monday, June 3, 2013

Arrived at PARIS!!! June 2

On the plane trying to sleep, after the plane stabilized on air I slept for a while but never missed the breakfast. I watched like two movies on the plane without know the title. The flight only took us 8 hours 30 minutes to Paris making it is the shortest flight I had ever been on. Everything went as I expected; we arrived Paris at 1:30pm local time (plane touching the ground).
Dr. V welcomed us at the Airport in Paris with a wonderful but concise keynote address; after which he led the group on the first Paris Trains/Subway experience. It was very interesting especially pushing your luggage on the Stairways and switching from one train to other. Though stressful moving with luggage(s) especially when you didn't pack light , getting off and on from one train to the other. After five stops; we finally made it to the Hostel.
However, you might never want to miss your stop so you must always pay attention to the stops while on the train. Trust me; you never want the train take you pass your stop. Even with Dr. V. on the train with us, the train stopped where we are expected to alight but nobody was paying attention so we had to stop at the next stop, go through the stairways to the other side and take another train back.
Again, immediately I dropped my luggage in the room, I jumped out to the ATM to get some few euros and accompanied some friends for the dinner at Les Artisans restaurant not too far from the Hostel. Also, had a drink and ate the wonderful French bread (so amazing!!!). Finally closed the day at about 9.30pm after a long day.